Group Show ‘Collecting Stories, Telling Histories’, Paros Festival, Greece.
12.07.2019 – 14.07.2019
Paros festival second edition will be held on the 12th, 13th & 14th of July with a rich program of creative and innovative events, focused on the collective and individual memories of Parianoi.
The exhibition Collecting Stories, Telling Histories narrates a series of interesting and unexpected stories of the place, the people and their material culture. Artists Kyriaki Goni, Rania Bellou, Panagiotis Kalkavouras, Maria Tzanakou and the photographer Platon examine the various ways in which we remember and forget, collectively and individually. Their own microhistories are intertwined in the exhibition program.
Three exhibition venues, Crispis Mansion along with two more private historic mansions, Kantiotis barber shop, nine medieval churches are all prepared to host the audience of Paros Festival. Especially planned educational programs, experiential workshops for children and adults, lectures, performances, walks and guided tours are promising some unforgeable experiences. Music plays its own role in Paros Festival’s program. Concerts and music events scattered around Parikia will be giving the city a festive rhythm.

Group Show ‘Still Here Tomorrow’, Stavros Niarchos Foundation Cultural Center (SNFCC), Athens, Greece.
23.06.2019 – 30.06.2019
Dozens of paintings, sculptures, sound works, installations, video art works, photographs, performances, and short and medium length films will map out in the most dynamic way the present and the future of modern artistic creation in Greece. A total of 60 young Greek artists, who were selected to participate in the 2018 SNF Artist Fellowship Program, will present their work at the art exhibition and screenings held by ARTWORKS especially for the Summer Nostos Festival. The exhibition will present works by 45 visual artists and, through parallel screening program, films by 15 filmmakers (fiction, documentary, and animation).
The exhibition and projection venues are transformed into a forum for an open dialogue, in which 60 artists with different directions, thematic axes, and media propose that we rethink artistic and social coexistence, addressing issues that concern us with an eye to the future.

Artist’s Workshop ‘Drawing History Through Artifacts’, AnnexM, Megaron- Athens Concert Hall, Greece.
On May 16, 2019, a group of psychiatric services recipients of KSDEE- “EDRA”, visited and were guided through the exhibition “After Babel”, curated by Anna Kafetsi. Over 100 works by 25 very important international artists were spread around four levels of the Athens Concert Hall – and in the Service Court.
In the context of the exhibition and in collaboration with the KSDEE- “EDRA”, Rania Bellou offered her artist’s workshop ‘Drawing History Through Artifacts’. As the artist says, “In this workshop, we will begin our journey from 1950s Athens using aw a photographic material and the correspondence of a couple as a vehicle. The participants will enter within new roles, decipher messages and creat a new narrative in history. They will draw on thin transparent papers and travel back in time to search for the story behind the material.”

Group Show ‘Artists Are the New Athletes’, The Edit Gallery, Limassol, Cyprus.
20.01.2019 – 02.03.2019
Through its inaugural exhibition “Artists are the new Athletes”, The Edit gallery wants to highlight the fact that success in the art world does not only stem from the necessary skills and knowledge that artists inherently possess, but rather, that success comes through a combination of those skills with certain character qualities that are also directly related to athletes, such as discipline, dedication, and strong will.
Prominence in art, as well as in sports, requires training, mental strength, and spiritual balance so that the artist, much like the athlete, can reach high levels of excellence. The exhibition features 13 artists from both Cyprus and abroad. Each artist has contributed an exhibit of recent personal creation, which serves as an independent unit in the context of an overall group exhibition.

Group Show ‘After Babel’, curated by Anna Kafetsi, AnnexM, Megaron, Greece.
Athens Concert Hall
05.12.2018 – 10.03.2019
The second part of the trilogy focuses on books and texts through their physical, hybrid, or intangible reality.
Objects of desire and main characters in new fictions, books generate enchantment and emotion through the exhibits. They cross paths with the vision and other senses. Through processes both linguistic and conceptual, they open an ambiguous, often hermetic space of reading. The viewer-reader crosses its boundaries to go beyond knowledge and meaning, sometimes even beyond writing itself, into uncharted aesthetic territories.
As a metaphor, the exhibition title paves the way to other metaphors and facilitates an open, unprejudiced reading outside the Canon, through the ignored, forbidden, anonymous, or unwritten pages of the unknown, the excluded, the marginalized, the Other.

Group Exhibition ‘Inland Athens’, Mets Art Center, Athens, Greece.
04.12.2018 – 02.02.2019
The Arts Center “METS”, a new cultural space, is recommended to the Athenian public through the paintings of 37 Greek artists. The painting narrative under the title “Inland Athens ” is set up by the journalist and writer Nikos Vatopoulos.
“A house in Mets. This simple occasion, so self-sufficient, yet versatile, in its uniqueness, provokes an event. Even more, it defines a psychic landscape in which Athens itself deepens into a pool of shared memory.
The exhibition “Inland Athens” launches the life cycle of a new space, devoted to the spirit of the arts. It is located in a neighborhood with historical depth, digested in the city’s body.
A house of the 20s returns to the city life thanks to the initiative of painter George Cordis and the care and organization of his son Paul Corde with the intention of giving roof and encouragement to creative people.

Artist’s Project ‘Remembering Revisited’, ps[υ]art therapy gallery, Athens, Greece. 27.04.2018 – 16.06.2018
Ps [υ]art therapy gallery launches its new operations’ circle with Rania Bellou’s presentation and O. L. Zangwill’s article “Remembering revisited” on Friday, April 27 at 19.30-23.00.
In the context of the dialogue with the Other but also with the reconnection with the lost object of desire, ps [υ]art therapy gallery wishes to develop the process of replication of the archival material used by the artist as a footnote, in order to show off the way in which fiction emerges as the same feature of new narratives.
Rania Bellou, through ‘memory visits’ of the archival material that she collects, updates and replicates a process, that evolves alienated from the original but also familiar with the archival process of the document.
The historical distance from the memory of the others/the Other eventually becomes a dialogue with the self, a dialogue through more narratives, in which the artist’s writing also becomes the archival material of the next reprint, either visual or fictional.

Solo Exhibition ‘Immortal Love or Ode to the Past’, Kalfayan Galleries, Athens, Greece. 22.02.2018 – 14.04.2018
Kalfayan Galleries are pleased to announce Rania Bellou’s fourth solo show ‘Immortal Love or Ode to the Past’ at Kalfayan Galleries, Athens. The exhibition opens on Thursday, 22 February 2018, 19.00-22.00.
‘Immortal Love or Ode to the Past,’ consists of a group of drawings created over the past two years. Their genesis is a diary found by Bellou at an open air market in Athens. Covering the period from 28th May 1945 to 16th February 1952, the diary’s author, P. Stais, recorded not only his thoughts, feelings, desires and dreams, but also several love poems. The diary was mostly written in Greek, with some passages in English, and was dedicated to his childhood sweetheart Martha, from whom he had been apart for thirty-five years after the Asia Minor disaster. There was even a poem which was written in Smyrna in 1919. The old handmade diary was leather-bound in a hardback copy, with a hand-drawn painting of the Acropolis on the cover.

SNF Artist Fellowship Program
Rania Bellou is among the selected artists of the Stavros Niarchos Foundation Artist Fellowship Program 2018 ARTWORKS.
The SNF Artist Fellowship Program is designed to provide financial support for young artists and offer opportunities for career development. ARTWORKS will launch the Program with a pilot project that will support artists between the ages of 25-35 working in the following disciplines:
Visual Arts: painting, sculpture, engraving, photography, installations, performance, video art, mixed and new media, digital art
Moving Image: feature films, documentaries, animation

Group Show ‘Taking Roots’, curated by Orestis Andreadakis, Director of the Thessaloniki International Film Festival, Greece.
58th TIFF at the Former Army Warehouse (Peer Α΄, Thessaloniki Port)
02.11 – 12.11.2017
The International Competition section is complimented this year by a special exhibition titled “Taking Roots” that will be presented for the first time during the 58th TIFF at the Former Army Warehouse (Peer Α΄, Thessaloniki Port). TIFF invited 14 young Greek artists to watch the films of the IC section, become inspired and create 14 original works –paintings, sculptures, photographs, installations- for each one of the films. The participating artists are: Rania Bellou, Natasa Eftstathiadi, Dimitris Fragakis, Leonidas Giannakopoulos, Chrysanthi Koumianaki, Maria Kriara, Maria Mavropoulou, Kosmas Nikolaou, Yorgos Papafigos, Vassilis Selimas, Anastasis Stratakis, Stefania Strouza, Maria Tsagari and Paky Vlassopoulou. The exhibition is organised by TIFF with the support of the 6th Thessaloniki Biennale of Contemporary Art.

Group Show ‘“2 decades +”, Spyropoulos Awards’, curated by Olga Daniylopoulou, Director of the Spyropoulos Foundation, Greece.
Vorres Museum
23.10 – 23.12.2017
More than 40 artists, award recipients from 1992 to today, participate in an exhibition that aims to present an important group of Greek artists and to emphasize the Jannis & Zoe Spyropoulos Foundation’s cultural activity. A panorama of contemporary Greek art covering a period of at least three decades is presented, with diversity rather than the genre marking the event and with visual art covering almost the entire scope of artistic pursuits of this period.

Group Show ‘In Retrospect’, curated by Kleomenis Kostopoulos and Rena Pitsaki, Action Field Kodra, 22.09 – 01.10.2017
Athanasopoulou Katerina, Alexandou Vasilis, Vakouli Vicky, Gourtzis Kostas, Zafeiropoulos Theodoros, Zouroudis Dimitris, Theofilaktou Eleni, Ioannou Dimitris, Kaklamanos Alexandros, Kapanidou Konstantina, Kyriakopoulos Makis, Kodonidou Jenny, Kotsi Tina, Lazos Orestis, Lemi Esthir, Marathaki Eva, Michalaros Dimitris, Bellou Rania, Bisila Niki, Nomidou Vally, Ximeri Ioanna, Pallas Athanasios, Patsis Konstantinos, Piperidou Hara, Stratou Danae, Famelis Panos, Fragkakis Dimitris, Christakos Giannis, Christopoulos Kostas.
This year’s Action Field Kodra completes 17 years of life. This year’s event includes a presentation of artworks by selected artists, who supported the institution with their works and ideas, from its birth to the present day. A total of twenty-nine artists will be presenting paintings, sculptures, photography, installations and video art, aiming to showcase their visual development.

Group Show ‘The Garden Sees’, curated by Anna Kafetsi, Megaron, Athens Concert Hall,
07.07 – 17.09.2017
Zbyněk Baladrán, Matthew Barney, Natalie Yiaxi, Jorge Galindo & Santiago Sierra, Douglas Gordon, Katerina Zacharopoulou, Amar Kanwar, William Kentridge, Phanos Kyriacou, Andreas Lolis, Jenny Marketou, Kostas Bassanos, Shirin Neshat, Tim Noble and Sue Webster, Eleni Panouklia, Nikos Papadopoulos, Rena Papaspyrou, Rania Bellou, Pipilotti Rist, Danae Stratou, Maria Tsagkari, Maria Tzanakou, Nari Ward, Maaria Wirkkala
Exhibition entitled The Garden sees (the title of one of the Three Poems under a Flag of Convenience by Odysseas Elytis) is presented in the Garden of the Athens Concert Hall (Megaron) and the so-called Service Yard.

Group Show ‘A Certain Blue of the Sea’, curated by Sozita Goudouna, Ioanian Parliament, Corfu
04.07 – 31.08.2017
The history of art is inseparable from the history of colour and in this history, blue has always been associated with vastness, ‘blue has no dimensions. It is beyond dimensions,’ as Yves Klein described.
Ultramarine blue derives from lapis lazuli, a gemstone that for centuries could only be found in a single mountain range in Afghanistan. For hundreds of years, the cost of lapis lazuli rivaled even the price of gold.
Humans with reduced blue sensitivity have difficulty identifying differences between blue and yellow, violet and red and blue and green. To these humans our ecosphere appears as generally red, pink, black, white, grey and turquoise. Blue appears green and yellow appears violet or light grey for humans with tritanopia, namely, for those who lack blue cone cells.

Group Show ‘Good Printing’, curated by Yasmina Reggad, Gallery Isabelle van den Eynde, Dubai
22.05 – 14.09.2017
:mentalKLINIK, Pauline Bastard, Rania Bellou, Eglé Budvytyté, William Engelen, Aisha Khalid, Ilan Manouach, Sreshta Rit Premnath, Haleh Redjaian, Hassan Sharif
Drawing on the group show Nice Drawing (2015), Gallery Isabelle van den Eynde presents Good Printing, a second iteration of a series of exhibitions that don’t need to emerge from a clever title or overarching concept, but rather presents works by 10 artists that have a quirky and humorous approach to a single medium.
Beware viewer! Don’t expect to find the walls of the gallery covered with works on paper, framed photographs, lithography, publications, and against the promises of the title of the exhibition, there won’t be perfect impressions! Artists haven’t necessarily spent long hours in the printing studio. Instead, they explore the process of printmaking and the potentials of the technology of the mechanical image creations and reproduction that ‘enables the original to meet the beholder halfway. […] And in permitting the reproduction to meet the beholder or listener in his own particular situation, it reactivates the object reproduced.’ (Walter Benjamin)

Exhibition ‘Don’t You Think It’s Time for Love?’ MMOMA, Ermolaevsky Lane 17, Moscow, 02.11.2016 – 08.01.2017
Artistic Director: Viktor Misiano, Co-curator of the session: Elena Yaichnikova
The Moscow Museum of Modern Art presents the second session of an interdisciplinary and inter-institutional project The Human Condition. The session HUMAN AND THE OTHERS: Love, Friendship, Suspicion, Aversion will focus on a human being in the framework of emotional relationships and his interaction with the social environment.
The session encompasses an exhibition, research projects and discussions. Its starting point is the exhibition Don’t You Think It’s Time for Love?, the title of which following the referential logic of the project, refers to the work Everything Else Has Failed! Don’t You Think It’s Time for Love? by the American artist Sharon Hayes. On display are video works, installations, photographs and books by 23 artists from all over the world including Yoko Ono, Boris Mikhailov, Jonas Mekas, Sophie Calle, and Andy Warhol. Some of the works have been created especially for the show. The exhibition in the MMOMA building at Ermolaevsky Lane is divided into four semantic sections and explores the internal dialectics of, maybe, the most important human emotion – love.

Solo Exhibition ‘The story like all stories is incomplete’, curated by Vali Mahlouji, Taymour Graghne Gallery, NY 11.01.2015 – 20.02.2015
With the devoted meticulousness and determined rigor of a biographer, Rania Bellou investigates and chronicles the details of a life. Whose life? In the present exhibition, it is that of a certain Mrs. Margaret Becker, resident of New York, circa 1940. The central personage and present protagonist of Bellou’s expansive work was a regular US citizen and a past resident of a small in the state of New York. Bellou picked up Becker’s unremarkable diary dated 1940 during a regular scouting expedition through second hand markets in London. Such found personal objects – literary or pictorial – have formed the bedrock of much of Bellou’s continuous imaginative epistolary and biographical adventures to date. Obsessively centering her creative practice on other people’s, random people’s, memories and recollections Bellou has created extraordinarily delicate and yet powerful bodies of work.
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Solo Exhibition ‘Forty Floating Moons’, Kalfayan Galleries, Athens 03.07.2015 – 27.09.2015
In the exhibition “Forty Floating Moons”, Rania Bellou elaborates upon and expands a favorite motif of her artistic practice: the mnemonic presence of the past through various unrelated photographs compiled in a highly personal way. She explores in depth the photographic and material trace of the past, the photograph itself, which is common to every home, an indirect memory, and perhaps the most characteristic example of a personal collection, the photograph album.
In the series titled “A short History or the short Story”, the artist isolates and regroups on paper human figures and words, urban landscapes and places drawn from photographs, letters and postcards, using the external form and inner structure of family photograph albums. If a single photograph remains opaque and inaccessible to the viewer who searches for a story behind the image, the collection of fragmentary, mnemonic photographic moments in the album reinstates the connection between the photograph and the subsequent narration. This relationship is particularly obvious in the first work of this series in which the correspondence between a couple is accompanied by images of ships, which could have transported their letters. In subsequent works, she shows us the image as a story and the story as an image.
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Solo Exhibition ‘Between I and Me’, 12 Star Gallery, European House, London 30.05.2012 – 15.06.2012
Going through the love correspondence of an unknown couple -that reveals a torrid tale or repressed love in 1930s Egypt and England- creates the impression that one invades a thorough personal sphere with only means the guidance of his instinct and experiential symbolisms.
Such an invasion requires the profound understanding of the relationship’s dynamics in order to be able to follow its lead. The restricted amount of information that the artist chose to provide, leads the audience’s imagination to reconstruct ideas and incidents by making assumptions and representations that he will never be able to crosscheck.
But is one person capable of understanding thoroughly the intentions and emotional mechanisms of another? Or is it that human nature really lacks empathy and just projects and identifies most experiences through the sense of self?
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Solo Exhibition ‘Living in a Cerebral Fortress’, curated by Dorothea Konteledzidou, Kalfayan Galleries, Thessaloniki 10.09.2009 – 30.10.2009
“Le présent du passé, c’est la mémoire; le présent du présent, c’est l’attention actuelle; le présent de
l’avenir, c’est son attente.” 1
Rania’s Bellou artwork is characterized by various aspects and subjects, by the reflection of the body in a trans-subjective space transforming the image, allowing it to build the experience of a present which exceeds itself and has as unique goal its development.
Photography, as the substantial artistic background, is for the artist a material-to-be offering the opportunity to highlight the relation between visible and invisible.
Besides, the invention of photography prevented the “present” from being drawn into the invisible side of history, didn’t it?
This story is produced by Rania Bellou, she made it available to time, but also to the performance of the other through the extension of the “Other”.
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